Jessica & Jeremy

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As you know, we are still in the midst of a Covid outbreak.

The venue has asked that we submit a “Covid Safety Plan”, which we have done to help ensure that our guests are as safe as possible during our celebration.

Covid Safety Plan

We will have outdoor seating and as much space as possible between tables as the size of the venue will allow. Our entire wedding party and both of our families are fully vaccinated, as well as many of our friends and guests. We hope that this will help keep everyone safe, and allow us to enjoy the day more freely.

At this time the State of CA has not made any changes to the current guidelines, but that could change at any time, depending on the climate of the outbreak in the next 30 days. Currently, businesses are asking patrons and guests to wear a mask indoors. By the time the wedding day arrives, we may be required to wear masks again, but we will not know until the time comes.

Jessica & Jeremy 2021